Starting today, May 23rd, I will be speaking at the Sun Valley Wellness Festival in Beautiful Sun Valley, Idaho. Words cannot say how excited I am to be a part of this event!
A little about the event itself:
“As we look to increase the body of science-based knowledge presented at the conference, we will continue to present speakers that nurture the mind and spirit as well. This focus will serve to balance our lives with a broad range of information so that we may all enjoy our individual gifts to their greatest potential.
As the Festival celebrates another year, the Sun Valley Wellness Institute Board of Directors have brought the expertise and talents of many together in a synergistic way that will ensure another successful year for the Festival. But this would not be possible without your support. Over a third of the operating budget for the Sun Valley Wellness Institute comes from private donors.
A gift to the Sun Valley Wellness Institute in support of the Wellness Festival is an opportunity to support a well-rounded, balanced and enlightened approach to health and wellness. Your tax-deductible gift will enable the Institute to attend to important wellness issues year round as plans to engage the community in specific events at other times of the year emerge.”
I will be speaking about my experience with my cancer diagnosis and the path I took to heal my body naturally. The conference is full of amazing speakers sharing their stories and expertise on living a healthier life. It is truly an honor to be in the company of so many great people.
If you will be at the conference, I would love to see you at my talk on Saturday! If you won’t be there, send me some good vibes for a great presentation. I look forward to sharing my experience when I return!